Thursday, October 22, 2009

---------------Facing a Raging Wind

After adjudication, I had a change of heart and decided to go with a more simplified music scheme. I am much happier with the new music and it allows the piece to flow much more easily. Two of the original pieces will be added later once the final sound design is completed. Thanks Tal for your help with the music editing! I was so pleased with this rehearsal because I am finally starting to see a continuous piece that transitions well from one idea or image to the next rather than a series of short vignettes strung together. All my dancers have been so helpful in contributing ideas, especially as we created transitions that felt natural for them and served the overall theme of the piece. My working title at this point is "Facing a Raging Wind" but I'm not completely sold on it. Hopefully it will develop further into something I can feel passionate about.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Structure is Complete

My structure is now complete but I use the term 'complete' lightly. I have the bare bones of the story that I wanted to tell. I have finally narrowed the focus of this piece to examine various forms of protest through the cultural lens of the 1960s in America.

Although these videos are seperate, the work is one continuous piece. Due to a technical difficulty we had to stop in the middle of the run-through and resume in a seperate video. I already see changes that I would like to make, including a musical change on the opening phrase and a musical change on a new phrase in the middle of the piece. I also plan to incorporate gestures and movement that evoke specific images of protest.